Tuesday, September 27, 2011

50 Random Questions

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:00, unless you count 4:00 when I fed the baby…

2. How do you like your steak? On someone else’s plate. YUCK!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Captain America. I LOVE movies!

4. What is your favorite TV show? I don’t really watch TV, sorry.

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? In my house! I love being close to family. Lots of places I would visit, but I like living close.

6. What did you have for breakfast? Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese mixed in and a protein drink. YUM! I love breakfast food, and now that I stay at home, I actually eat it!

7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican, followed closely by Italian.

8. What foods do you dislike? Most red meats, asparagus (it stinks!)

9. Favorite Place to Eat? Los Hermanos!

10.Favorite dressing? Ranch, but I like lots of other dressings as well.

11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? Chevy Malibu Classic

12.What are your favorite clothes? Do high heels count? I LOVE to wear high heels. Thank you ballroom dance past…

13.Where would you visit if you had the chance? Ireland, Egypt, Italy, and the Philippines

14.Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Depends on what’s in it! J Just kidding, half full for sure

15.Where would you want to retire? Wherever my family is.

16.Favorite time of day? Around 8 or 9 at night because that’s when Ben gets home from school! I also love around 7 in the morning when Noah wakes up because he wakes up very happy and loves to smile and coo at me first thing in the morning and its so cute!

17.Where were you born? Orem, Utah

18.What is your favorite sport to watch? Basketball, but we mostly watch football in our house!

19.Who do you think will not tag you back? I'm not tagging anyone, so I don't think it counts.

20.Person you expect to tag you back first? Again - I'm not tagging anyone, so I don't think it counts.

21.Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Everyone, I love to read these about other people!

22.Bird watcher? Not really. I like hummingbirds…

23.Are you a morning person or a night person? Both. I can actually do either one really easily, I can get up just fine and I can stay up just fine. I guess I am a whatever person!

24.Pets? Not currently, hopefully not ever. I am SO not a pet person, and luckily Ben isn’t either. I am sure kids will probably change that one day though!

25.Any new and exciting news that you'd like to share? Not really, life is good!

26.What did you want to be when you were little? Honestly? I wanted to be a mom! I am living the dream!! J

27.What is your best childhood memory? I have lots of great childhood memories-girls nights with my mom when the boys were on Scout campouts, going on a daddy-daughter vacation to West Virginia, memorizing and then acting out Garfield comic books with my older brother, too many great things to choose from!

28.Are you a cat or dog person? Neither really, but probably more cat than dog. I like to look at dogs, as in-look at that person’s dog-but that’s about it whereas a cat I will actually pet.

29.Are you married? Yes, and it’s awesome!

30.Always wear your seat belt? Yes, always.

31.Been in a car accident? Yep, I read ended someone on the freeway once (it was more a love tap in rush hour, no damage to either car at all) and then I totaled my car on the freeway when I accidentally took two sleeping pills instead of two migraine pills and blacked out behind the wheel. Not a fun day…

32.Any pet peeves? Of course! One of my major ones is when people lecture/give advice as if you are too stupid to know any better. Like when they think that since they are older/have more kids/been married longer/whatever that if you like your life they must say something negative to “teach” you what is inevitably going to happen to you. I HATE that! I also hate when people think that we are bad people because we were married for 5 years before having a baby. Only in the Mormon culture…

33.Favorite pizza topping? Canadian Bacon. YUM!

34.Favorite Flower? Tulips

35.Favorite ice cream? Ben and Jerry’s Half Baked. It’s SO good!

36.Favorite fast food restaurant? Gonna have to say Taco Bell, with Wendy’s as a close second.

37.How many times did you fail your driver's test? I passed the first time!

38.From whom did you get your last email? Barbara Williams, from my work

39.Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Probably Barnes and Noble!

40.Do anything spontaneous lately? Spontaneous doesn’t work well with a baby…

41.Like your job? I do! I love being able to stay at home with my little son!

42.Broccoli? As long as it’s not raw. I can’t stand the texture of raw broccoli!

43.What was your favorite vacation? I LOVE Lake Powell, I have also loved Hawaii, Canada, West Virginia, Heritage Tours (three weeks back East), Bermuda, and of course my honeymoon in Montana! I have been on lots of other trips, but these ones stand out the most.

44.Last person you went out to dinner with? My hubby! My mom took the baby and we went to Wing Nutz before a play. Yum!

45.What are you listening to right now? Silence-baby is asleep and I am content with the quiet!

46.What is your favorite color? Depends, usually blue, but I like to wear pink and brown and black.

47.How many tattoos do you have? None, nor will I ever! I can barely get my blood drawn, how on earth would I handle a tattoo?!

48.Coffee drinker? No way, it stinks!

49.How many children do you have? One little guy!

50.Are you in love? Deeply!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yay! Someone followed me! :) I love it.
Ummm... why have we not seen each other since high school? Meg! I want to see you and your cute little midget. Loves!