Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Exciting Work Project.

So, I know that no one else probably cares, but this is so sweet! These are pictures of my discount tables at the back of my store which are normally loaded to overflowing. Well, with Christmas coming up I figured that we needed to try to consolidate some space to make room for new books, Christmas items, etc. My employee was able to make this much space on my two tables! It was able to hold all of the items I was hoping it would hold and still have space left over! This is absolutely phenomenal for this time of the year, so I am doing a happy dance! This was an all day project what will have a dramatic impact for the rest of the busy season. Even if you can't totally understand the ramificaitons of my super sweet discount tables, be happy for me cause I think it totally rocks!!

1 comment:

Duncan Family said...


Thanks for the comment! I think she turned out to be a pretty cute lady bug! How are you guys doing?