Thursday, April 2, 2009

So Proud!

Can I just say that I am so proud of myself? I just finished some major spring cleaning! I scrubbed my floors on hands and knees before mopping it to make sure I got it really squeaky clean, I dusted and washed all the pictures in my house, I took out four garbage bags full of garbage from de-junking and cleaning out my fridge and pantry, I organized my pantry, I put together four bags for DI of old clothes and shoes, and got my laundry and grocery shopping done, all in about 4 hours! I am so good...:)


Jennifer said...

WOW! Go Megs!! I was basically forced into spring cleaning my house when we moved. Isn't it so nice to get all of that clutter cleaned up? Love it!

The Stells! said...

i would love some ideas! with our new scheduels i need some good easy ideas! I am working 9-6 Derek is working 7-midnight! so send what ever you have my way!