Wednesday, April 4, 2012

8 Months and Crawling!

Well, Noah is officially 8 months old today, and I just can't believe it! He's almost been out of me as long as he was in me! :) He is also officially crawling! He was scooting around a little bit the last couple of days, but starting yesterday it is a full blown crawl. The minute I put him down he's off like a rocket. He is so proud of himself! He can get into crawling from his tummy or from sitting down, so I can't "trap" him anymore. I have a fun video of him crawling that I will post as soon as I learn how to do that...He is still a VERY good eater-he will eat anything and everything I give him. He most recently discovered that he loves mangoes and those are his current favorite food. He can still say mama and dada and has said baby before as well. He likes to make lots of different sounds with his tongue, I wouldn't be surprised if he talks before I know it! He is still a very happy, social, enjoyable baby. He is very mellow-kind of goes with the flow-which I am sure he inherited from his dad. He is such a joy to be around since he doesn't really cry much at all. He still sleeps 12 hours at night, (from 8:30 to 8:30) with 2-3 naps during the day. We are getting ready to drop the last nap, but sometimes he's still tired enough to take it. He REALLY loves being outside, we play at the playground by our house a lot (and by play I mean swing in the baby swing and watch all the other kids) and he loves to go for walks in his stroller. I absolutely LOVE being home with him and taking care of him-it's such a blessing!

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