Friday, November 25, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I know that I am a day late, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! We got to spend the holiday with Ben's family, and it was a lot of fun. We had the big dinner at his grandma's house with lots of extended family and then we spent the night at his parent's house and came home earlier today. It was Noah's first night away from home, and he did really well! :) We had a good time with lots of family, food, games, and conversation. It made me very grateful for several things:

*The blessing we have of living close to our families, I am so grateful for my family and the joy they bring to my life, and I am so grateful for my in-laws and for the loving relationship I have with them.
*My amazing husband. I have such a kind, caring, loving husband, and I am so grateful for him! He treats me like a queen and he is an amazing father to our little boy. I am so grateful for Ben!
*My son, Noah is a delightful, happy, content baby and I have loved welcoming him to our family. He is my little sweetheart, and I am so grateful to have him!
*Our health. We have been very lucky that Noah has been very healthy, other than an ear ache, and was born healthy and happy. We are both healthy and I am so grateful for that!
*Our country and the area we live in with good neighbors, freedoms, and privileges that so many go without.
*The Church and the marvelous things it teaches us about the Savior and families, I am so grateful that I go through life with a very clear understanding of who I am, where I am going, what I am doing, and why I am here. My gratitude to a loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can't possibly be adequately expressed, but the feelings are part of my every day life.

I love the Thanksgiving holiday, and not just because of the food, but because of the wonderful reminder of all the things that I have in my life that bless me and make life so worth living. I am truly blessed, and I hope that I don't forget the feelings I have lingering in my heart from this year's Thanksgiving celebration. Happy Thanksgiving!

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