Friday, October 28, 2011

3 Months!

Well, Noah is officially 3 months old! I can't believe how fast that went! Some ways it feels like I have always been doing the mom thing, but in other ways it's still very new! Noah is a joy to have around, he is a very happy-go-lucky baby and has been a blessing to have in our lives. He is sitting on my lap watching me type this, so I apologize for any spelling errors! Here are a few things that Noah can do:

*He can roll over from his tummy to his back. He did it for the first time right on his two month mark. He loves to lay on his tummy and look at you, and then will roll over and still looks a little confused when he does so!

*He can hold on to little plastic baby rings and loves to chew on them. He is getting a lot better at grasping things now and he loves to hold onto shirt sleeves and collars when he is being held.

*He loves to smile! It doesn't take much to get a smile out of him. He smiles all the time, all through his bath, all through getting changed, and sometimes when he is eating he will stop every few minutes to give me a big grin, and then will continue eating. It's so cute!

*He loves his bath and has figured out how to splash around. He will kick and move his arms and then coo really loudly.

*He is quite talkative. He makes lots of cooing and squeaking noises when you talk to him. He loves to tell stories and talk back to you!

*He is sleeping through the night! He started sleeping from 10:30-7:00 or 7:30 right at 9 weeks, and that has been lovely! He is starting to go a little longer at night now too, I don't think it will be long before I can drop his late night feeding altogether. He does wake up at about 5 every morning and fusses for a bit, and then lays in there and plays around for about an hour before falling back asleep, so mommy isn't sleeping through the night yet... :)

*He really knows my voice. I can be out of his vision and say something and he will turn his head to find me, usually giving me a smile when he does. Same goes for Ben, he really knows and loves his daddy! If someone else is holding Noah, and he hears one of us talking, he will try to find us.

*He goes to other people really well, not much stranger danger so far! He is content to be passed around, which is a good thing! He doesn't mind it as long as they hold him so that he can see, he doesn't like to be held on his back very much but prefers to be up and looking around.

*He is a very observant baby, and has been since day one. He likes to cuddle with me, but that's about it. Usually he likes to be held up and he likes to observe everything going on in the world. He is very content to sit in his swing, or the boppy pillow, and just watch everything. He also likes to lay on his back on our bed and watch the ceiling fan turn.

*He has always had a really strong neck, since the moment he was born. After they placed him on my chest when he was delivered, he lifted up his head to look and me and Ben! His head is still strong, and he has really good control of it. It doesn't flop around at all, he is very steady with his head. He loves his tummy time, and will hold his head up for as long as 30 minutes before laying it down for a rest.

*He naps pretty well overall, we still have some naps where he cries for a bit before settling in, but more and more he goes down for naps without a peep which is great. He still likes to sleep cuddled up next to the blanket my sister made for him.

*He loves mirrors. I got a baby gym for him that is an arch that has toys dangling down that he can play with and it has a mirror on the top that he can see himself in and he LOVES that! He will lay and talk to the baby in the mirror forever. It's adorable to see him smiling and cooing at himself! We call the toy his "baby friend".

*He also loves music. His baby gym has four big piano keys at the bottom of the mat that he can kick with his feet and they play music, and he loves it. He will get really into the music and kick his feet like crazy! Also, if we sing a song to him (especially when we are holding him) and the song ends, he will bob his head to get us to do it again. He also likes to squirm and dance to music.

*Noah has very strong legs. He likes to stand up and hold his own weight, and he will "step" with his feet. He also does a little scoot thing that is so freaking cute! He will lay on his back and I (or Ben, who discovered this trick) will hold in feet and ankles. We will place his feet flat on the ground with his legs bent and say, "Go!" and he will push off and straighten his legs, which scoots his body across the floor! He will go around our whole house like that, scooting around and grinning like crazy. I think he likes the mobility. I am sure I will have a very active toddler on my hands before too long!

*At his two month appointment he was 12 lbs exactly and 22 1/2 inches long. I am pretty sure that in the past month he has grown a LOT more than that though! We are now in all 3 or 3-6 month clothes, and have been for a couple of weeks now. He is a growing boy with a good appetite!

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