Monday, March 7, 2011


We get to find out what Peanut is in TWO WEEKS! We are both really excited, it's getting closer which is awesome. I will be sure to post! I am debating about something. Do I post a picture of the ultrasound? Does anyone else actually care about seeing this picture besides me, Ben, and the grandmas? What's your stance? On another note: Ben and I have our 5 year anniversary on Wednesday! We aren't doing much on that actual day, but the next day we get to go to the temple for a dear friend's endowment session before her mission to South Korea, and then we get all day on Saturday together and we are going to go see the musical version of Tale of Two Cities at Hale Center Theatre that evening. Should be fun, and will help to make this week go by faster so then there will only be one week left until "Baby Day", as it is marked on my calendar. :)

1 comment:

Love Bug Bows said...

Megan, yes we ALL care about seeing the pictures of the ultrasound! I posted Elliana's! I can't wait to find out what you're you have any feelings? Anyways, it's been SO long, maybe next time I'm in SLC for a while, we can get together at IHOP for old times sake! ~Em~