Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mark the Date/Need Advice

So, we get to find out on March 21st what we are having! Less than a month away! We are very excited and anxious to find out what we will be having. We already have a girl name picked out, but the boy name is under negotiation...Wish us luck on that front, we have very different boy name tastes. So far Ben and I are both leaning more towards it being a boy based on how sick I have been and how fast the heartbeat is. My doctor says I am in for an interesting pregnancy once I can start to feel the baby, because it's already REALLY wiggly!!!! Peanut hardly holds still for a moment for the ultrasound we have already had and every time they try to find the heartbeat. It's going to be interesting to see if Peanut will still wiggle around that much once I can feel it. :) For my friends out there who have had kids, what did you do to avoid stretch marks?? I am starting to show just a little bit, and I would like to avoid stretch marks if I can. Any suggestions??


Bekah and Lance said...

First, think it's going to be a girl. Hopefully so you already have your name! Lance and I were the same way, couldn't agree on boy names but have had a girl name since we were first married.
Second, hahaha silly megan you can't "avoid" stretch marks. They kind of come with the whole deal. However my bit of advice that seems to help is to keep your belly, thighs whatever nice and moisturized, starting now. I had bought some cocoa butter stretch marks lotion stuff, whether that works better than any other lotion I don't know. I guess I bought into the claims, just in case. :) Usually with the first it's not as bad, because your body hasn't been stretched before. I was lucky and don't remember really seeing them until the last few weeks so they have faded mostly. Moslty though, everyone is different. It seems to kind of do with genes and how much you stretch out vs. carry inward. Good luck my friend!

The Stells! said...

lol nothing can be done! Its just what happens to some people, i have talked to those who put lots of cream on and get tons those who do nothing and get none! Its a gentic thing I have heard, but really its all wifes tales out the one i always heard about fast heart beat is girl and slow is boy but you heard differently lol