Thursday, November 11, 2010

Broken Neck

Okay, not really, but it really hurts! Let me back up. I woke up on Monday with a very bad pain in my neck, on the right side, at the base of my hairline. Thinking I slept on it weird I just continued on my day. It gradually got worse. I came home that night and applied a hot pad and my sweet hubby took care of dinner. Had a VERY hard time sleeping on Monday because it hurts any way I tried to lay down. So, Tuesday I was exhausted and in even more pain than before. The pain had also spread down my neck and settled in both my hairline and the top of my shoulder, it was a much more acute pain than before, so I took some Advil and went to work. At work I tried to lift a heavy box (not unusual in a bookstore) and had to drop the box and immediately sit down because I starting seeing spots and the pain shot down my arm. So, Tuesday night I applied ice for about 45 minutes and then heat for about 45 minutes. My sweet hubby took care of dinner AGAIN and then made me take a Loretab. We thought I must have pinched a nerve or something like that and thought the Loretab would help my body relax so that my muscles would let go of the nerve. Didn't help-I just got loopy. (Incidentally, watching late night TV is mcuh funnier on Loretab...) So, Wednesday morning I got up to go to work and literally couldn't turn my head. I was in so much pain! I had to turn my whole body instead of my head because the pain was so bad. Well, Ben called me in the middle of the day to see how I was feeling and I was on the brink of tears. He asked if I wanted to go to the doctor and I said yes-VERY unusual for me, I will kick and scream and fight my way out of going to the doctor every chance I get. Ben was surprised and started to really worry since I NEVER agree to a doctor! So, he picked me up after work (the advantages of his work being really really close to mine!) and we went to the doctor. He said that I have a bulging disc in my neck that is causing the pain! No wonder ice and heat didn't help! I am now on a pack of a cortizone/prednisone blend, extra strength Tylenol, perscription ibuprofen, and a little bit of Prilosec to keep my stomach from freaking out at the pill overage! I don't take pills very often for anything so this is way overlaoding my system! This morning I took 2 prednisone, a Tylenol, and an ibuprofen-all just at breakfast! I still have 9 pills left for today! Ugh. But, hopefully I will start to get some relief soon, I can still not turn my head very well and it really really hurts! I am glad that today is my day off from work so that I have a day to rest while the pills starts to do their stuff!

1 comment:

The Stells! said...

OUCH! I hope you feel better soon that wounds like no fun! and i am happy you are blogging again!