Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hubby Questionaire

All about my hubby!!!
1. Full name: Benjamin Vance Anderson
2. How long have you been married? 2 1/2 years, 3 in March!
3. How long did we date? We dated for a full year before getting married, we wanted to get married earlier but we waited for Derek (his brother) to get home from his mission. You owe us, D! :)
4. Who eats the sweets? Me, unfortunately! Ben doesn't eat much sugar at all, but I sure do! Way too much I am afraid!
5. Who said I love you first? He did, when he asked me to marry him! Not the official proposal (which didn't come for 6 more months) but the first time we talked about it. It was funny, I actually thought he was going to break up with me-not want to marry me! It was a pleasant surprise to say the least!
6. Who's taller? Ben! I am 5'4" and he is 6'1". I can wear BIG shoes, which I love! :)
7. Who sings better? Ben would say me, I would say Ben, so I guess we will never know because neither one of us is going to sing for someone else to decide!
8. Who is smarter? Ben, hands down. He knows all these weird things, like where the origins of flipping someone off came from! He watches the history channel all the time for fun, so he is really smart!
9. Who does the Laundry? I do, Ben tries to do it for me and be sweet, but I am a little OCD and I just re-do everything! He lets me do it now. :)
10. Who pays the bills? It's split. I pay half and he pays half.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me, that is the side with the nightstand and since I wear contacts and don't hit snooze as much, that is my side!
12. Who cooks dinner? Me, but I usually eat it alone since Ben works nights and then he takes the leftovers for lunch at work the next day. That is, when I actually cook...I love to cook, but it is hard to be motivated to spend time doing it when I eat it alone! Oh well, it makes him the envy of the workplace to have the leftovers I am sure! :)
13. Who drives? Ben, every time. I am actually self conscious of my driving, and Ben is an impeccable driver and really enjoys it, so it works well!
14. Who admits they are wrong? Ben admits it, even though he never is! What a good hubby!
15. Who kissed who first? Ben kissed me first, an entire month after we had been dating. I was about to take some cough syrup and he kissed me right before I could. I said "thank you" after my very first kiss so I was afraid of saying something stupid again so I chugged the cough syrup since I wouldn't be able to embarass myself if there was something in my mouth! I started choking on it-which was more emabarassing that anything I could have said! :)
16.Who asked who out first? Ben asked me out first-to a dance and he even made a big Filipino dinner for it, and then I asked him out the next day!
17. Who wears the pants? Ben does for sure, but he lets me think I do sometimes!
18. why do you love him? His smoking hot body. :) Oh, and because he is sweet and thoughtful and wonderful. He is very hard working and dedicated and motivated. He is a loyal friend. He is protective of his sisters and his mother, and I love that he is just as protective of my sisters and mother. He has a wonderful sense of humor and is very positive. He always puts me first in everything, and is always willing to drop anything for me. I have never been treated so well. Thank you, Ben, for making me the happiest I have ever been. I look forward to the rest of our eternity together! I love you!

Thanks for the cute idea, Jess!

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