Saturday, October 25, 2014

Family Pictures!

We went today and took some family pictures and I think they turned out really well! For some reason, Josh wasn't feeling it, so we didn't get many of him smiling, and I am actually taking him back on Tuesday after I drop Noah off at preschool and we will do a little 10 minute mini-session to try to get some smiling individual pictures of Josh. Overall though I think they turned out really cute and I love seeing our little family all together! These four boys are my greatest blessings!!!
 Josh's face looks like a thug in this one, cracks me up!

 As close as we could get to him smiling!

 Noah is SO photogenic, and he loves to cheese it up for the camera. Such a cutie!

 Some of Noah's funny personality!

 Josh is very not sure about what we are doing at the studio...

 I do love this picture of him, just wish we could get some of his adorable smiles!!

 Sam is SO cute, he was cooing and squealing the whole time. Love this darling baby!!

 I think this is one of my favorites.

 He was looking at me during these profile shots. :)

 Three handsome little dudes!!

 Can you tell this was towards the END of the photo shoot?!

Love this picture of the bog brothers looking at their baby brother. Hope they always want to be friends and watch out for each other.

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