Monday, April 29, 2013

Pregnancy Update

Well I am 34 weeks this week, and I just got wonderful news from my doctor this morning! I went in for my regular check up and she asked me if I would like to go ahead and set up an inducement date for Joshua. I of course said yes since she offered to set it a week earlier than my actual due date! Woo hoo for one less week of pregnancy! :) So, June 2nd is the new magic date, and we KNOW he will be born that day (or possibly the 3rd, if he's stubborn) and it's nice to have a real date to count down to! I am so excited to get this little guy here, he is very wanted and loved already and I want to hold him in my arms. He is measuring right on track for where he should be, and he has already been head down for several weeks. His rear end is way up into my ribs, so much so that the doctor asked if I had been experiencing shortness of breath and dizzy spells, which I have. He is very comfortable in that position though, he's been like that for about a week solid! Josh is a squirmy baby, but doesn't kick and punch so much as just wiggle around a whole lot. It's kind of funny because it is a lot easier to feel lumps on my stomach (his bum, hands, and feet) and my stomach is rarely just a round shape, there is usually something poking out somewhere! I can't believe how much I already love this little baby, I can't wait for June! :)

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