Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lake Day Pictures, Finally!

I am finally posting some pictures from when we went to Ben's mom's family reunion back in July! We had a great time, they rent a HUGE cabin in Uintah Basin that can sleep around 100 people, and there is a lake day, and activities on the cabin grounds like volleyball and a pool, and it was really fun to see all of the Evans side of the family! They are pretty spread out, so this reunion is really fun for everyone to get together. Noah LOVED all of the attention he got from his aunts, uncles, and grandparents. He wanted to walk everywhere, but he needed an escort so he could hold their fingers, so I was glad for so many willing hands! Ben wasn't able to come up the whole time, he had to go to class and work so I went up on the first day with the rest of the family and Ben joined us a couple of days later. We were lucky enough to get our own room instead of sharing with about 12 other people which was so nice for Noah's nap times. He slept great despite the noise and heat. We had a lot of fun at the lake too, it was kind of cold so Noah mostly enjoyed the beach and a little wading. Ben went out on the jet skis once or twice, and we all got to ride in a speedboat, which put Noah to sleep in Ben's arms. :) It was a really fun trip, and I'm sorry it took so long to post pictures!
 Noah sitting in his special kid-sized beach chair
 Noah the stud man
 Getting ready to go in the water with Aunt Shannon
 Floating around
 His teeth were chattering by this point!
 Tired from so much fun in the sun
 Love his face in this one, he is crushing my water bottle
 Exploring the lake with daddy
 Mouth full of sand!
 Cold water!
 Ben's hair after jet skis is awesome!
 Love my boys!
 Me and my little guy
I sure love this little face!! I should mention, it was only about 2 weeks after his non-stop walking with everyone around the cabin grounds that he started walking on his own! :)

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