Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Some Random Pictures

This is Noah "helping" his dad put a bookshelf together.
Daddy is already helping him with handling tools! (Don't worry, Ben didn't let Noah handle the screwdriver unattended...)
Laying in the base of the little bookshelf.
My boys!
Ben likes to put his hats on Noah's head, and then he will say something like, "Yo yo yo" in a really deep voice, and Noah thinks it's hilarious!
Me and Noah all dressed up for Ben's work party. We make a cute little couple, don't we?
Playing with his "baby friend".
Since he scoots around and rolls all over the place while he is playing with his little friend, he usually ends up sideways under the toys. He thinks it's quite funny, a lot of times the toys will kind of bonk him on the head, but he giggles and thinks it's a game!

This post is in commemoration of Noah's 5 month (calendar) birthday. I can't believe he is 5 months old already! He can now roll from his back to his tummy, and he started solid foods (rice cereal) last weekend. He continues to be a very happy baby, and he is a joy to be around! He sleeps 10 1/2 hours continuously at night, and has 3-4 naps during the day, usually averaging 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Stay tuned for pictures of Christmas, Las Vegas trip, and the solid foods experience!

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