Friday, September 2, 2011

Best Baby Book EVER!!

So, my sister in law introduced me to a book that has seriously turned my baby around! It is called Baby Wise and it talks about how to help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own, sleep on a routine, eat on a set routine, and sleep through the night earlier and more completely. It basically talks about how after you feed your baby, you need to keep them awake (except for at nights) for one hour total, including the feeding time. Then, baby goes down for a nap-period. They cry and fuss for a little while and then they sleep for about an hour to two hours. Then, if they don't wake up on their own to eat again, you wake them and feed them again. Then you have that wake time (you do things like take walks outside, sing songs, read books, have a bath, etc) and then they go down for a nap again. This routine helps them get the sleep they need, keeps them eating regularly, and makes for a MUCH happier baby! It talks about how to help them sleep through the night and says that on this system most babies sleep 7-8 hours at night by 8 weeks old! Noah already sleeps for 5 hours at a time at nights now on this system and he is SO MUCH HAPPIER!! He is much more alert during his wake times, and so much more content. He still has hard times where he cries and fusses a lot, and some of the naps don't go well and are a lot of work for both of us, but overall this system has been a huge deal! I highly recommend this book to ANYONE with little ones who can't sleep well. It talks about how to start this routine even if they aren't newborns too. They have a toddler-specific one as well. "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo. Happy sleeping! :)

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