Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Dear Ben,

Happy Valentine's Day! I want you to know how much I love you! You are an incredible husband to me, you treat me so well! I can't believe how happy you make me. Last night when we talked for a couple hours reminiscing about our courtship and the early days of our marriage was so much fun! It was fun to go back and look at the beginnings of our relationship, from the first encounter when I had just come back from running and was all sweaty and gross, to our first date when I was so nervous that I missed your first "move", to the first time you brought up marriage and I thought you were going to dump me, to our wedding day, I feel so deeply in love with you! It's fun to look back, but I wouldn't trade where we are now. I love being your wife! I love our relationship and how well we work together. Thank you for truly being my knight in shining armor! You have made my life so full and rich, I have never been treated so well! Thank you for spoiling me rotten, thank you for knowing how to handle my craziness, thank you for loving me. Happy Valentine's Day, honey, I love you for eternity!

Your Wife

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