Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thank you!

So my parents generously gave us their old TV on Sunday, but before you go thinking this is just some old junky TV, it is a HUGE 43" telelvision! It is almost as big as our entertainment center which is awesome! The fact that it was free is even better! We got it set up on Sunday and tried out some of our favorite movies, and a couple of Ben's favorite games. He is very pleased that he can actually see and read the text on this new TV! I will post a picture as soon as we have the living room put back together, it is still kind of a mess right now, since the entertainment center can't fit there anymore I have a few piles of books and DVDs that need a new home. So, until I get that done I will leave you all in suspense. Thank you, Mom and Dad, we LOVE it!

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