This is Noah's "Old Man Face", he does this all the time when I feed him, especially if he likes what he is eating! He is such a silly little boy.
More old man face, but you can see his top teeth in this one! They are already hopelessly crooked, so it's a good thing they are bound to fall out!
Noah LOVES to clap his hands, and he claps at any and every thing. He also really likes to ride in the shopping cart of the various stores we visit.
Pucker lips face, he does this while he crawls and climbs and it's hilarious! The picture is a little blurry since it's from my phone, but it's a hard face to capture!
Noah's new ball-Daddy just couldn't resist buying it for him! He will say, "ba" when he plays with it. He is developing quite a little vocabulary!
I just loved his face in this picture! :)
Noah also LOVES his baths, he likes to splash like crazy, and when his super long eyelashes are wet and dark they make his eyes look so cute!
Big smile on his grandpa's riding lawn mower! I love this picture and I am thinking of framing it. (Kind of appropriate since we live in Lehi...)
Ready to mow, baby!
This is Noah's new hat that I got at the Disney store (don't worry, it was on sale) and I am trying to get him used to it before we go to Lake Powell. So far, he hates it. :)
Old Man Face before church!
We got a piano! We found it on KSL for $250, and Ben and his brothers helped us move it in. This is the before touch up work picture.
And this is after my mom and I spent about 3 hours with filler, touch up color, and polish! Looks great and you can't see hardly any of the dings and dents that were there before.
Noah totally looks like he is playing in this picture!
He likes it! Hopefully he will still like it when I start making him take lessons...
One of Noah's favorite activities is to empty out and kindly rearrange all of my DVDs for me. Gone are my OCD days of perfectly alphabetized DVDs! :)
Noah will turn 11 months old on the 4th of July, so I think it's a cause for fireworks and celebration! :) He is SO incredibly active, the kid is never still for a moment. The minute you set him down, he is off like a shot and either crawling, climbing up the stairs, or climbing up something else! He loves to be mobile and is very very close to walking. He can cruise with only one hand on the couch, and he can walk holding on to just one of my hands too. He does got a lot faster with two hands though! He loves to wrestle with his daddy, they are always rolling around on the floor and Noah also likes to be flipped upside down-he will clap his hands for more!
Noah is an excellent eater-I have yet to find anything he truly doesn't like and we are moving into more and more table food and less and less baby food. It will be weird to just hand him the same foods I am eating all the time! He really likes pieces of fruit (especially melon and mango) and he loves chunks of cheese. Breakfast and dinner are usually cereal, veggies, fruits, and finger foods and lunches lately have been just finger foods. He eats three meals a day and has a sippy at night before bedtime.
Speaking of bedtime, Noah is still an unbelievably good sleeper! He sleeps at night from 8:30pm - 8:30am, and sometimes even sleeps in until 9:00! He takes one morning nap for about 2 hours, and another 1 1/2 hour nap in the afternoon. He goes down for naps and bedtime with no fuss at all, although he is getting good at entertaining himself and playing instead of sleeping sometimes! He loves to jump in his crib, I think because it squeaks when he does it, so he will stand in his crib and hold on to the top bar and jump for long periods of time, I can't believe it.
He is getting a good vocabulary, he can say: mama or mom, dada or dad, nana (banana), ba (ball), bye bye, baby, and hi. He just learned how to say hi and now when he is ready to get up from a nap or in the morning, I will hear him saying Hi over and over as loud as he can! It's hilarious! He still loves to babble and talk to himself like crazy, especially in the car. Sometimes I can't even have a phone conversation over him talking! I think once the rest of the vocab kicks in he will be a talker like his mom.
Noah is still as happy as he could possibly be. He NEVER cries, and he is constantly smiling. He is such a joyful little guy. I hope that pleasant disposition sticks around through toddlerhood, teenagerhood, and beyond...He is a lot like his dad in his temperament, especially in social situations. He is not shy, but likes to kind of observe everyone for a moment or two before totally warming up. He will go to anyone and everyone, and doesn't really have any attachment issues. He is just peaceful-which is what his name means so that fits. He does have a mischievous side to him-which I know he gets from me. :)
As for Ben and I, we just got called to teach the Sunbeams in our ward which we love. It's a lot of fun to have Noah in there too, even if that makes it a little crazy. Most of the kids kind of ignore him, so he just crawls around and climbs on the chair legs. We have a darling class, mostly little girls, and they are really cute and fun to teach.
Ben is currently working some insane hours at work for a big blitz until the end of the summer, he is putting in like 50-60 hours a week some weeks! That wouldn't be too bad if he wasn't also taking 18 credits of school. Yikes! Needless to say, he is SUPER busy! He is a great husband and an awesome daddy though, he always makes time for his son, and time for his wife too! It will be nice to have his work schedule calm down for the fall semester since he is taking another 17 credits this fall, and then one more semester and he is DONE!! We are so excited for him to be finished! It will be a tremendous blessing to have a lot more family time.
I am still absolutely LOVING being a stay at home mom, it's an amazing experience. Probably helps that I have the world's most perfect baby...I also work from home as the Director of Licensing and newsletter writer for a company called DVO Enterprises. It's a lot of work (about 20 hours a week) but I am lucky that it is all from home, and I can work when Noah is sleeping so I never have to "split my focus" off of him. I like my job a lot, it's all about cookbooks, cooking and baking, and other kitchen stuff, so it's right up my alley!
There is the incredibly long, and much needed, update! :)